Brenham, TX
Organization size: 
76 employees
Faith Mission and Help Center
 “Just being able to see the massive capacity of what Harness offers—everything from being able to document donors and communicate with them via text to having immediate reports…We have a twelve person board of directors and at any moment, from anywhere, I can pull [the reports] up and they can see.”
Randy Wells
Executive Director of Faith Mission
The Situation:
An antiquated approach
“We're 39 years old and even though we're almost 4 decades old, we're probably as antiquated as being 100 years old in terms of technology and giving platforms.”

Faith Mission was a well-established organization with a nearly 40-year history of providing community services in Brenham, Texas. But the organization’s technological know-how was decades behind, leaving staff to manage a 10K donor list manually. And even with that robust donor list, they were holding just one fundraising event a year.

The Challenge:
Leaving the comfort zone
“Even though we have a plethora of services—we have a homeless shelter, we have a food pantry, we have training programs, we have a third operation— we only do one major fundraiser a year. I know that we had the capacity to raise a whole lot more.”

Faith Mission’s traditional approach was leaving opportunities on the table. The organization wanted to improve both fiscally and organizationally, but they didn’t know where to start—and a fear of new technology kept them from leveling up.

The Solution:
Seizing every opportunity
“We're looking at all of this data that we have on people and talking about how we can stay connected to people. How do we make them aware of how their dollar translates into transforming lives?”

With day-to-day support from Harness experts, Faith Mission began to brave the learning curve of new technology to connect with donors more frequently and effectively. Through Harness, the organization began using automatic texts to thank their existing donors while hosting recurring events to attract college students to their base. And as their technology skills grew, so did their profits.

The Result:
Growing with confidence
Increase in online giving
“Whether it's $10 or $10,000, my goal is to drive every donor to Harness. I love the ability to connect with donors immediately and see all the people who are engaging with us.”

By using Harness to connect more deeply and frequently with their donors, Faith Mission was able to grow their online giving by 35%. Executive Director Randy Wells loves using Harness at board meetings to share progress and track incoming donors, and finds himself frequently experimenting with the platform and teaching himself new tricks. Faith Mission maintains a close relationship with #TeamHarness and is now in the process of upgrading their Harness subscription.

Ready to boost your giving and confidence with Harness?
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