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Explore expert tips to drive summer giving and learn more about Harness Executive: a new full-service fundraising solution.

Explore expert tips to drive summer giving and learn more about Harness Executive: a new full-service fundraising solution.

In the nonprofit world, effective fundraising is crucial to your sustainability and growth—but as the summer months roll around, many nonprofits experience a slowdown in giving. In this blog, Senior Director of Harness Executive Daniel Hall shares his best advice for sustaining giving throughout the season and introduces Harness Executive: a new offering from Harness to help maximize your fundraising outcomes year round.

Meet Daniel Hall

“I became Harness’ biggest champion. Anytime the Harness team needed a referral, they said, oh, you need to call that guy Daniel in Texas.”

As a former nonprofit leader turned Harness team member, Daniel was working with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas when he first started using Harness. Within a year, Daniel and his team saw an increase in online donations from $400 to over $66,000. Once he experienced the profound impact of a well-executed fundraising strategy supported by the right tools, Daniel joined #TeamHarness with a deep desire to bring this knowledge to other nonprofits. Today, he’s sharing smart strategies to drive giving this summer and beyond.

Hall Hack: Use your summer wisely

Daniel believes that the summer slowdown offers an ideal opportunity to reevaluate and refresh your annual giving campaign, setting up the rest of the year for success. To make the most of your time and effort, Daniel recommends focusing on three key components of your campaign: your call to action, your campaign narrative, and your creative assets.

Hall Hack: Target your call to action

"My biggest tip for engaging donors is: Don't be afraid to ask."

A call to action is a consistent message that conveys the heart of your annual campaign. When crafting your campaign’s call to action statement, keep it short, memorable, and strategic. When driving donations for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Texas, Daniel would ask donors to give $20 toward “Whatever it takes to build great futures.”  This message was broad enough to be open to each donor’s personal interpretation and allow the organization unrestricted operating funds, while perfectly aligned with their needs— $20 was the cost of a child’s club membership for a year. 

Hall Hack: Create a compelling narrative

“Take your audiences on a journey. Invite them in to walk with you. tell the story of what you're doing, and give them a reason to believe.”

For every campaign, Daniel recommends crafting a compelling story that helps donors understand what you do and why you do it. He uses a simple framework of Communicate, Inform, Educate, Ask to produce each narrative. The goal is to help donors grasp your mission, see the impact of their donation, and feel compelled to contribute. 

Hall Hack: Elevate your creative assets

“Consistent delivery of your message and alignment with your look and feel are all elements of the annual campaign.”

While you’re crafting your narrative and call to action, don’t forget to evaluate how your campaign looks from a visual standpoint. The images and design you use for your campaign assets should help you deliver a consistent message by connecting with your organization’s logo, website, and other elements of your visual identity.

Hall Hack: Add outside expertise

“It’s one thing to have the best fundraising platform in the world, and I firmly believe in that statement. It's another to have the time and expertise to use and deploy that product to successfully achieve your fundraising goals.” 

Daniel’s biggest tip for successful fundraising this summer is to consider Harness Executive for your organization. Harness Executive is our new, comprehensive fundraising solution that combines the Harness platform with our team’s deep expertise. Daniel and #TeamHarness have collectively fundraised over $30 million dollars for 50+ nonprofits, and Harness Executive was born from a desire to share that collective experience with nonprofits in a tangible, day-to-day way.

About Harness Executive

“Harness Executive combines the best product in the industry with seasoned fundraising expertise and a deep passion to serve and to further the missions of the nonprofits. What makes us different is empathy: we're here to walk beside you in a partnership. 

With Harness Executive, our goal is to work closely with your organization, becoming an extension of your staff. We’ll get to know your mission and invest in it daily to guide you through the nuances of fundraising as a dedicated partner—not just a vendor. Your dedicated “Harness Quarterback” will help you set up your Harness account, audit your current systems and fundraising performances, and identify key opportunities to engage your current base while acquiring new donors. Next, we’ll work hand-in-hand to develop your annual campaign strategy, including social media content, newsletters, and event planning. Together, we’ll ensure every aspect of your organization’s communication and fundraising strategy is optimized for success.


As you evaluate your annual campaign this summer, we’re here to help you achieve your fundraising goals. Want to learn more about Harness Executive? Book a demo today to learn how we can join your team to sustain and grow your giving.